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Auto Insurance in and around Abilene

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Be Ready For The Road Ahead

When you’re commuting to work, sometimes bad things happen. Because hailstorms or cracked windshields can happen to anyone, anytime, you need car insurance coverage you can depend on.

Looking for great auto insurance around the Abilene area?

Time to get a move on, safely.

Coverage From Here To There And Everywhere In Between

You need State Farm auto insurance, the insurer of over 44 million auto policies in the United States. When the unexpected finds you, State Farm is there to get you back on track! Agent Neomia Banks has the knowledge and competence you need when unfortunate incidents cross your path.

So don’t let fender benders or wind storms stop you from moving forward!

Simple Insights®

Avoid these risks or you may fall asleep at the wheel

Help prevent drowsy driving by knowing the dangers, identifying warning signs and learning about technology that could prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue.

Driving tips for traffic jams

These driving tips for traffic jams can help you stay safe when you're navigating heavy traffic.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Neomia Banks

Neomia Banks

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
4145 N 1st Street
Abilene, TX 79603-6719
Map & Directions

Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Neomia Banks

Neomia Banks

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
4145 N 1st Street
Abilene, TX 79603-6719
Map & Directions

Simple Insights®

Avoid these risks or you may fall asleep at the wheel

Help prevent drowsy driving by knowing the dangers, identifying warning signs and learning about technology that could prevent accidents caused by driver fatigue.

Driving tips for traffic jams

These driving tips for traffic jams can help you stay safe when you're navigating heavy traffic.